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Amber Peterman

Research Associate Professor

I am affiliated with the Department of Public Policy and the Transfer Project at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, co-lead the Cash Transfer and Intimate Partner Violence Research Collaborative and consult for a variety of research and policy organizations.

I have a h-index of 49 & am ranked in the top 2% of female Economists in the last 10 years [RePEc]. I publish in public health & economic/development journals and strive towards collaborative, interdisciplinary research. Below are select journal articles, terminal working papers & edited books/chapters listed by theme:
[VAW/C] Violence against women & children 
[SP] Social protection, including cash transfers
[G&D] Gender & development
[M] Miscellaneous 

Articles are in reverse chronological order & appear only once (with cross-listed tags by theme). § denotes open access (please email me for copies of pay walled articles), * denotes authorship in alphabetical order. For a full list of publications, please see my google scholar profile.


Violence against women & children

Peterman, A (2024). Edutainment to prevent violence against women and children. World Bank Research Observer (forthcoming) [SSRN working paper].

Peterman A, Dione M, Le Port A, Briaux J, Lamesse F, Hidrobo M (2024). Disclosure of violence against women and girls in Senegal. World Bank Economic Review (online ahead of print)

Peterman A, Bhatia A, Chandan JS, Devries K, Gennari F & Guedes A (2023). Ethical reporting of research on violence against women and children: A review of current practice and recommendations for future guidelines. BMJ Global Health 8:011882 §

Le Port A, Seye M, Heckert J, Peterman A, Tcham AN, Dione M, Fall SA, & Hidrobo M (2022). A community edutainment intervention for gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health, and maternal and child health in rural Senegal: A process evaluation BMC Public Health 22(1165) §

Blofield M, Kunal FM, Calderón R, Peterman A, Franzoni JM, O’Donnell M & Bustreo F (2022). A diagonal and social protection ‘plus’ approach to meet the challenges of the COVID-19 syndemic: Linking cash transfers and intimate partner violence interventions in Latin America. The Lancet Global Health 10(1): e148-e153 § [SP]

Peterman A, Valli E & T Palermo on behalf of the LEAP 1000 Evaluation Team (2022). Government Anti-Poverty Programs and Intimate Partner Violence. Economic Development and Cultural Change 70(2): 529-566 § [SP]

Barrington C, Peterman A, Akaliguang AJ, Palermo T, de Milliano M, & Aborigo R (2022). ‘Poverty can break a home’: Exploring pathways linking cash plus programming and intimate partner violence in Ghana. Social Science & Medicine 292: 114521 § [SP]

Bhatia A, Fabbri C, Cerna-Turoff I, Turner E, Lokot M, Warria A, Tuladhar S, Tanton C, Knight L, Lees S, Cislaghi B, Peterman A, Guedes A, & Devries K (2021). COVID-19 and violence against children: Lessons for Policy, Research and PracticeBulletin of the World Health Organization 99(10): 730-738 §

Ranganathan M, Heise L, Peterman A, Roy S & M Hidrobo. (2021). Cross-disciplinary intersections between public health and economics in intimate partner violence research. Social Science & Medicine-Population Health 14: 100822 §

Lokot M, Bhatia A, Heidari S, & A Peterman. (2021). The pitfalls of modelling the effects of COVID-19 on gender-based violence: Lessons learned and ways forward. BMJ Global Health 6: e005739. §

Bhatia A, Fabbri C, Cerna-Turoff I, Tanton C, Knight L, Turner E, Lokot M, Lees S, Cislaghi B, Peterman A, Guedes A, & K Devries (2020). COVID-19 response measures and violence against children. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 98:583-583A §

Pereira A, Peterman A, Neijhoft A, Buluma R, Kaloga IF, Harvey R, Islam A, Kheam T, Kitembe M, Lund-Henriksen B, Maksud N, Maternowska MC, Potts A, Rottanak C, Shawa M, & T Palermo (2020). Disclosure, reporting and help-seeking among child survivors of violence: A cross-country analysis. BMC Public Health 20(1051): 1-23 § 

van Gelder N, Peterman A, Potts A, O’Donnell M, Thompson K, Shah N, & S Oertelt-Prigione on behalf of the Gender and COVID-19 working group (2020). COVID-19: Reducing risk of infection might increase risk of intimate partner violence. EClinicalMedicine 21:100348 §

Peterman A, Potts A, O’Donnell M, Thompson K, Shah N, Oertelt-Prigione & van Gelder N (2020). Pandemics and Violence Against Women and Children. Center for Global Development Working Paper 528.

Devries K, Merrill KG, Knight L, Bott S, Guedes A, Butron-Riveros B, Hege C, Petzold M, Peterman A, Cappa C, Maxwell L, Williams A, Garcia-Moreno C,  Kishor S, Kress H, Watts C & N Abrahams (2019). Violence against children in Latin America and the Caribbean: What do available data reveal about prevalence and perpetrators? Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública / Pan American Journal of Public Health  43: e66 §

Palermo T, Pereira A, Neijhoft A, Bello G, Buluma R, Diem P, Dabad RA, Kaloga IF, Islam A, Kheam T,  Lund-Henriksen B, Maksud N, Maternowska MC, Potts A, Rottanak C, Shawa M, Samnang C, Yoshikawa M & A Peterman (2019). Risk factors for childhood violence and polyvictimization: A cross-country analysis from three regions  Child Abuse & Neglect  88: 348-361 §

Buller AM, Peterman A, Ranganathan M, Bleile A, Hidrobo M & L Heise (2018). A mixed-method review of Intimate partner violence and cash transfers in low- and middle-income countries World Bank Research Observer  33(2): 218-258 § [Prevention Collaborative Brief]  [SP]

Peterman A, Palermo T, Handa S & D Seidenfeld on behalf of the CGP Evaluation Team (2018). List randomization for soliciting experience of intimate partner violence: Application to the evaluation of Zambia’s unconditional Child Grant Program  Health Economics 27(3): 622-628  [SP]

Peterman A, Palermo T & Ferrari J (2018). Still a leap of faith: Microfinance for prevention of violence against women and girls in low- and middle-income settings BMJ Global Health  3(6): e001143 §

Rumble L, Peterman A, Idriana N, Triyana M & E Minnick (2018). An empirical exploration of female child marriage determinants in Indonesia BMC Public Health 18: 407 §  

Devries K, Knight L, Petzold M, Gannett K, Maxwell L, Williams A, Cappa C, Chan E, Garcia-Moreno C, Hollis H, Kress H, Peterman A, Walsh SD, Kishor S, Guedes A, Bott S, Butron B, Watts C & N Abrahams (2017). Who perpetrates violence against children? A systematic analysis of age- and sex-specific data  BMJ Paediatrics Open  2: e000180 §

Peterman A, Neijhoft A, Cook S & T Palermo (2017). Understanding the linkages between social safety nets and childhood violence: A review of the evidence from low- and middle-income countries  Health Policy & Planning  32(7): 1049-1071 [Innocenti Research Brief 2016-11] §  [SP]

Peterman A, Pereira AL, Bleck J, Palermo T & KYM Yount (2017). Women's individual asset ownership and experience of intimate partner violence: Evidence from 28 international surveys  American Journal of Public Health  107(5): 747-755 [Innocenti Research Brief 2017-22] §

Behrman J, Peterman A & T Palermo (2017). Does keeping adolescent girls in school protect against sexual violence? Quasi-experimental evidence from East and Southern Africa Journal of Adolescent Health  60(2): 184-190 [Innocenti Research Brief 2017-01] §

Hidrobo M, Peterman A & L Heise (2016). The effect of cash, vouchers and food transfers on intimate partner violence: Evidence from a randomized experiment in Northern Ecuador  American Economic Journal: Applied Economics  8(3): 284-303 [IFPRI Project brief]   [SP]

Buller AM, Hidrobo M, Peterman A & L Heise (2016). The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach?: A mixed methods study on the causal mechanisms through which cash and in-kind food transfers decreased intimate partner violence  BMC Public Health  16(488): 1-13 §   [SP]

Peterman A, Bleck, J & T Palermo (2015). Age and intimate partner violence: An analysis of global trends among women experiencing victimization in 30 developing countries Journal of Adolescent Health  57(6): 624-630 [Animation]

Palermo T, Bleck J & A Peterman (2014). Tip of the iceberg: Reporting and gender-based violence in developing countries  American Journal of Epidemiology  179(5): 602-612 [SUNY Stony Brook Research Brief] §

Peterman A, Palermo T & C Bredenkamp (2011). Estimates and determinants of sexual violence against women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo  American Journal of Public Health  101(6): 1060-1067 § [SUNY Stony Brook Research Brief]

Palermo T & A Peterman (2011). Undercounting, overcounting, and the longevity of flawed estimates: Statistics on sexual violence in conflict Bulletin of the World Health Organization  89(853): 924-926 §

Peterman A & K Johnson (2009). Incontinence and trauma: sexual violence, female genital cutting and proxy measures of gynecological fistula Social Science & Medicine  68: 971- 979

Palermo T & A Peterman (2009). Are female orphans at risk for early marriage, sexual debut and teen pregnancy? Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa Studies in Family Planning  40(2): 101-112 

Social Protection

Lambon-Quayefio M, Peterman A, Handa S, Molotsky A, Otchere F, Mvula P, Tsoka M, de Hoop J, Angeles G, Kilburn K, Milazzo AM on behalf of the Malawi Social Cash Transfer Evaluation Team (2024). Unconditional cash transfers and safe transitions to adulthood in Malawi. World Development 175: 106483. §

Aliga A, Delbiso TD, Kitsao-Wekulo P, Lambon-Quayefio M, Moussie R, Peterman A & N Tilahun (2023).* Smart investment in global childcare requires local solutions and a coordinated research agenda BMJ Global Health 8: e012827 §

Gavrilovic M, Rubio M, Bastagli F, Hinton R, Saab S, Goulder RG, Khan R, Peterman A, Diallo B, Alfers L, Santiago A, Rizvi Z, Holmes R, Mejia JGJ, Tabbush C (2022).* Gender-Responsive Social Protection post-COVID-19 Science 375(6585): 1111-1113 §

Peterman A, Schwab B, Roy S, Hidrobo M & DO Gilligan (2021). Measuring women’s decision making: Indicator choice and survey design experiments from transfer evaluations in Ecuador, Uganda and Yemen World Development 141: 105387 §

de Brauw A & A Peterman (2020). Can conditional cash transfers improve maternal health care?: Evidence from El Salvador’s Salvador’s Comunidades Solidarias Rurales Health Economics 29(6): 700-715 §

Peterman A, Kumar N, Pereira A & D Gilligan (2019). Towards Gender Equality: A critical assessment of evidence on Social Safety Nets in Africa  In Annual Trends and Outlook Report 2019, Gender Equality in Rural Africa: From Commitments to Outcomes Eds. Agnes Quisumbing, Ruth Meinzen-Dick and Jemimah Njuki [companion IFPRI Discussion Paper # 01903] §

Brück T, Cuesta J, de Hoop J, Gentilini U & A Peterman* (2019). Social protection in contexts of fragility and forced displacement: Introduction to a Special Issue Journal of Development Studies 55(sup 1): 1-6 §


Valli E, Peterman A & M Hidrobo (2019). Economic transfers and social cohesion in a refugee hosting setting Journal of Development Studies 55(sup 1): 128-146 §


Angeles G, de Hoop J, Handa S, Kilburn K, Milazzo A & A Peterman on behalf of the Malawi Social Cash Transfer Evaluation Team (2019).* Government of Malawi’s Unconditional Cash Transfer improves youth mental health Social Science & Medicine  225: 108-119 §

Handa S, Daidone S, Peterman A, Davis B, Pereria A, Palermo T & J Yablonski J on behalf of the Transfer Project (2018). Mythbusting: confronting six common perceptions about cash transfer programs in sub-Saharan Africa World Bank Research Observer 33(2): 259-298 § [Innocenti Research Brief 2017-18]

Dake F, Natali L, Angeles G, de Hoop J, Handa S & A Peterman on behalf of the Malawi Social Cash Transfer and Zambia Cash Transfer Evaluation Teams (2018). Income transfers, early marriage and fertility in Malawi and Zambia Studies in Family Planning 49(4): 275-317 § [Innocenti Research Brief 2019-01]

Natali L, Handa S, Peterman A, Seidenfelf D & G Tembo on behalf of the Zambia Child Grant Program Evaluation Team (2018). Does money buy happiness? Evidence form an unconditional cash transfer in Zambia Social Science & Medicine – Population Health 4: 225-235 §

Bonilla J, Castro R, Handa S, Nowlin C, Peterman A, Ring H, & D Seidenfeld on behalf of the CGP Evaluation Team (2017).* Cash for women’s empowerment? A mixed methods evaluation of the Zambian Child Grant Program World Development  95: 55-72 [Innocenti Research Brief 2016-08] §

de Groot R, Palermo T, Handa S, Ragno LP & A Peterman (2017). Cash transfers and child nutrition: Pathways and Impacts Development Policy Review 35(5): 599-720 §

Palermo T, Handa S, Peterman A, Principe L, Seidenfeld D on behalf of the Zambia CGP Evaluation Team (2016). Unconditional government social cash transfer in Africa does not increase fertility Journal of Population Economics: 1-29 [Innocenti Working Paper 2015-09]

Handa S, Peterman A, Seidenfeld D & G Tembo (2016).* Income transfers and maternal health: Evidence from a national randomized social cash transfer program in Zambia Health Economics, 25(2): 225-236

Handa S, Peterman A, Huang C, Halpern C, Pettifor A & H Thirumurthy (2015). Impact of the Kenya Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children on early pregnancy and marriage of adolescent girls Social Science & Medicine  141: 36-45 § [Innocenti Research Brief 2015-05]

Hidrobo M, Hoddinott J, Peterman A, Margolies A & V Moreira (2014). Cash, food, or vouchers?: Evidence from a randomized experiment in Northern Ecuador Journal of Development Economics  107: 144-156 §

Handa S, Peterman A, Davis B & M Stampini (2009). Opening up Pandora’s box: The effect of gender targeting and conditionality on household spending behavior in Mexico’s Progresa program World Development  37(6): 1129 - 1142

Gender & Development


Mueller V, Peterman A, Billings L & A Wineman (2019). Experimental impacts of community-based legal aid on intra-household gender dynamics in northwestern Tanzania  Feminist Economics  25(2): 116-145  [VAW/C]

Seymour G & A Peterman (2018). Context and Measurement: An analysis of the relationship between intrahousehold decision making and autonomy World Development  111: 97-112 §

Mueller V, Billings L, Mogues T, Peterman A & A Wineman (2017). Filling the Legal Void? Impacts of a Community-Based Legal Aid Program on Women’s Land-Related Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Oxford Development Studies :1-17 [IFPRI Discussion Paper #1434]

Doss C, Kovarik C, Peterman A, Quisumbing A & M van den Bold (2015).* Gender inequalities in ownership and control of land in Africa: Myth and reality  Agricultural Economics 46: 1-25 [IFPRI Discussion Paper #1308]

Santos F, Fletschner D, Savath V & Peterman A (2014). Can government allocated land contribute to food security? Intrahousehold analysis of West Bengal’s micro plot allocation program World Development 64: 860-872 [IFPRI Discussion Paper #1310]


Adelman S & Peterman A (2014). Resettlement and gender dimensions of land rights in post-conflict Northern Uganda  World Development  64: 583-596

Quisumbing AR, Meinzen-Dick R, Behrman J, Rainey T, Croppenstadt A & A Peterman. Eds. (2014). Gender in Agriculture: Closing the Knowledge Gap, Springer published with Food and Agriculture Organization § Chapters:

  • Peterman A, Behrman J & AR Quisumbing (2014). A review of empirical evidence on gender differences in non-land agricultural inputs, technology and services in developing countries [IFPRI Discussion Paper #00975]  §

  • Meinzen-Dick R, Johnson N, Quisumbing A, Njuki J, Behrman J, Rubin D, Peterman A & E Waithanji (2014). Gender, Assets, and Agricultural Development Programs: A Conceptual Framework [CAPRi Working Paper No. 99]  §

  • Meinzen-Dick R, Behrman JA,  Pandolfelli L, Peterman A & Quisumbing A (2014). Gender and social capital for agricultural development  §

Peterman A, Ng S-W, Palermo T & E I-Heng Lee (2013). Managing the double burden: Pregnancy and labor-intensive time use in rural China, Mexico and Tanzania  Studies in Family Planning  44(4): 411-430 §


Alkire S, Meinzen-Dick R, Peterman A, Quisumbing A, Seymour G & A Vaz (2013).* The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index World Development  52: 71-91 §

Peterman A (2012). Widowhood and asset inheritance in sub-Saharan Africa: Empirical evidence from 15 countries Development Policy Review 30(5): 543-571 [ODI Working paper 183]

Peterman A, Quisumbing AR, Behrman J & E Nkonya (2011). Understanding the complexities surrounding gender differences in agricultural productivity in Nigeria and Uganda Journal of Development Studies  47(10): 1482-1509 §


Peterman A (2011). Women's property rights and gendered policies: Implications for women’s long-term welfare in rural Tanzania  Journal of Development Studies  47(1): 1-30 § [Poppov Research Network Brief]



The Transfer Project (contributor) (2020). Beyond Internal Validity: Towards a Broader Understanding of Credibility in Development Policy Research World Development  127: 104802  [SP]

Tallis H, Kreis K, Olander L, Ringler C, Ameyaw D, Borsuk M ... Peterman A ... & S Zobrist. (2019). Aligning Evidence Generation and Use Across Health, Development and Environment Current Opinion on Environmental Sustainability  39: 81-93 

Kilburn K, Principe L, Hjelm L, Peterman A, Handa S & T Palermo (2018). Examination of Performance of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale Short Form 10 among African Youth in Poor, Rural Households BMC Psychiatry 18: 201 §  [SP]

Handa S & A Peterman (2015). Is there catch-up growth? Evidence from three continents Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics, 78(4): 470-500

Peterman A & Johnson K (2015). Facility-level services for obstetric fistula repair in Africa  International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics  128(1): 77-79


Opuni-Akuamoa M, Peterman A & D Bishai (2011). Inequality in prime-age adult deaths in a high AIDS mortality setting: does the measure of economic status matter? Health Economics  20(11): 1298-1311


Handa S & A Peterman (2007). Child Health and School Enrollment: A Replication The Journal of Human Resources  42(4): 863-880 §


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